What are the eligibility requirements to apply for Joy Academy Online?
Joy Academy Online does not have a minimum test score or specific eligibility requirement. More information about criteria and how we assess applicants can be found at this link
Our live classes scheduled conveniently for China Time Zones.
Yes. Joy Academy Online does accept homeschooled students. More information about criteria and how we assess applicants can be found at this link
The Joy Academy curriculum offers advanced coursework in all academic disciplines.
Our placement tests are carefully calibrated to make sure students are placed into courses in which they will thrive. If you did not place into the course you want to take, consider taking the course recommended by your academic advisor in the same subject or in a related one. If you have questions about your placement, your academic advisor can put you in contact with the relevant division head.
Students in grades 7–8 occasionally place into a high school level course. A placement test will determine a middle school student's readiness to take a high-school level class. This is more common in mathematics than in other academic divisions, where it is rare. Please note that middle school students may not take high school Core or English courses.
You will take a placement test to determine the best fit.
Students can find the graduation requirements on the Graduation Requirements page.